Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand, the most southern capital in the world, and a very windy one. It is also a very beautiful place woth wooden houses dotted over the steep hills.

White walled houses with red and grey rooves dotted on the hills
3057 Wellington Hills and Tararua Ranges
Watercolour 32 x23 cm
Wellington Harbour with yachts moored at the yacht club in the foreground
2908 Wellngton Harbour
Watercolour 23 x 12cm
2914 Wellington Hills Postcard
Watercolour 15 x 10 cm

Waikanae, just north of Wellington looking out to Kapiti Island, home of many native bird species.

Toi toi flowers at the beach in Waikanae
2706 Waikanae Beach looking to Kapiti Island
Watercolour 30 x 24 cm
Grey Kapiti Island on a windswept sea
3085 Kapiti Island
Watercolour 21 x 15cm