
The Painted Orchestra This book features sketches and paintings of musicians who play or played with the Australian Chamber Orchestra together with notes from the artist who painted them. Preparatory sketches for the finished portraits are included as they offer insights both into the lives of this group of inspiring musicians as well as the artist’s practice and inspirations.

More about The Painted Orchestra here.


The Painted Musician: Sydney to Dunedin, Hamburg to Maribor is the companion book to The Painted Orchestra .

This book tells the story about how the artist began painting musicians, became hooked and started traveling the world to draw world class musicians while they played.

More about The Painted Musician here


Aotearoa New Zealand Watercolour Journey

The watercolours in this book are the result of many hours painting in the New Zealand landscape and a record of the author’s journeys from Auckland in the North Island to Dunedin in the South. All paintings were done ‘plen air’ which means ‘on location’ and this gives the paintings a vibrancy that is difficult to attain in studio paintings.

Information about the locations painted is included and gives the paintings an interesting perspective. We learn everything from the number of sheep in New Zealand to the reason why Cook Strait is so treacherous. This book is available through your local bookstore or on amazon


On the Wings of an Albatross

This delightful children’s book is illustrated with watercolour paintings of an A to Z of Australian and New Zealand birds (some of them pictured here). An interesting snippet of information about each bird captures the interest of children and the whimsical comparison of each bird to the wingspan of an Albatross compares the size of the birds. This is a fun book that would appeal to a wide age group of children from about 2 to 8 years old.

This children’s book On the Wings of an Albatross is suitable for ages 3-10 and is available through your local bookstore or on Amazon here.


Women, War and The Third Reich

How did German women really view Hitler and his Nazi State?

Twenty one German women answered that question in the 1970s when they volunteered to share their wartime experiences with a young New Zealander (the author) who was trying to adapt to living in Germany. The interviews were collected on tapeand translated by the author. To provide context to the reminiscences, the author researched women’s place in Germany in the 1930s and 40s in teh Wiesbaden Public Library. This research is presented in Part 1 of the book followed by the interviews in Part 2. By the time the project was complete the author had started studying again and this material landed in the bottom drawer from which it has now emerged.

Women, War and the Third Reich is available to order through your local bookstore or buy it on Amazon.

Aye there? Growing up on a sheep Farm in New Zealand

This vivid account of growing up on a sheep farm in New Zealand transports us back to an age when time was measured by the passing of seasons and of the generations, a time before the age of television when children learned important life lessons from their pets and from nature around them.

Aye there is suitable for both children and adults. It is available from your local book store or from Amazon here.