
Two violinist playing in aquamarine water

Illustration from The Painted Orchestra (see below)

This is an AI free website! All images are hand painted on paper or canvas.

New Books!

Cover o the book The Painted Orchestra, featuring a painting of a  violinist from behind

The Painted Orchestra features sketches and paintings of musicians who play or played with the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO) together with notes from the artist. All paintings and sketches are being sold to support the ACO music education program. Read more about it here.

Available in hardcover or paperback from your local bookstore or through Amazon

Cover o the book The Painted Musician, featuring a painting of a conductor conducting an orchestra

The Painted Musician is the companion book to The Painted Orchestra. It tells the story about how the artist began painting musicians, became hooked and started traveling the world to draw world class musicians while they played. There are many insights into the traveling life and the musicians painted. More about The Painted Musician here.

Artsmitten paintings
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